Natural Ways & Products to Cleanse Your Body
Fasting is a natural way to cleanse without using any products. The process involves drinking at least 12, 8-oz. glasses of water each day to flush your system of pollutants. Additionally, you will want to drink two glasses of water during the day with 1 tbsp. of honey, 2 tsp. of lemon juice, 3 to 4 tbsp. of cider vinegar and a dash of cayenne pepper mixed together. Fasting can last three to 10 days. After completing the fast, you should reintroduce food slowly and carefully, eating fruits and vegetables for the first two to three days.
Saunas are an effective way for the body to eliminate toxins through sweat. Temperatures in steam-type saunas are between 90 to 120 degrees. Temperatures in a dry-type sauna can be more than 150 degrees. When you sit in this type of heat, your body will sweat to try and cool itself, and will eliminate pollutants that are in your skin. Additionally, it is important to drink plenty of water to help flush toxins out of your body. The use of saunas to cleanse have been popular in Europe for hundreds of years.
Cleansing diets are mainly designed to cleanse the digestive system but can be beneficial for detoxifying other parts of your body as well. These diets usually involve lots of fruits and vegetables, high-fiber products like flax seeds or psyllium, and beneficial bacteria known as probiotics. Foods that have sugar, caffeine and chemicals and processed foods are eliminated from the diet. It is important to drink plenty of water. These diets usually last one to three weeks. Once the cleanse is complete, ease back into your normal diet.
There are many cleanser products available on the market today. These usually involve taking a supplement in pill or powder form every day for a few weeks along with a good diet of natural, organic foods. Popular options might include acai berry, psyllium fiber or grapefruit extract, which have been shown effective at cleansing the digestive system. Be sure to consult your physician before starting a cleanse with these over-the-counter products.