Ketogenic Foods
Bacon and Eggs
Conventional bacon and eggs are both high in fat with zero carbohydrates. Choose combinations of bacon and eggs that have the lowest amount of saturated fat and cholesterol possible, a move to keep blood cholesterol under control. Turkey bacon and eggs fried in vegetable oil would be appropriate, especially if the eggs are half whole eggs and half egg whites.
Almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts, walnuts and other tree nuts are all very high in fat, with around 11 to 14 g of fat per ounce. Since the fat is unsaturated, it won't cause cholesterol problems. Evidence also suggests that constant nut consumption plays a role in decreasing appetite. Packed with fiber, vitamin E, folic acid, copper and magnesium, they also contain no carbohydrates and plenty of protein. An ideal ketogenic food, be sure to look for nuts that haven't been sweetened, as the sweetener will add carbohydrates unless it is a calorie-free artifical sweetener.
Non-Starchy Vegetables
Vegetables contain very small amounts of fat and protein, but are appropriate for those on a ketogenic diet because of their low carbohydrate content. The University Hospital in Newark, N.J., classifies them as "unrestricted" foods for seizure patients, and mentions some choices as broccoli, carrots, lettuce and spinach. Any salad greens are appropriate, as are plenty of non-sweet vegetables like onions, turnips, peppers, brussel sprouts, asparagus and zucchini. On a ketogenic diet, avoid high-carbohydrate starchy vegetables like plantains, potatos, pumpkin, squash, corn and peas.
Seafood is very rich in protein, and fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout, sardines and albacore tuna are especially good for those on a ketogenic diet. Much of the fat in seafood is composed of essential omega-3 fatty acids, great for heart and mental health. Although seafood is a superior choice to eating highly saturated fat from some other meat products, the American Heart Association recommends that pregnant and nursing woman should be careful to avoid eating shark, swordfish, king mackerel or tilefish because of their high mercury content.