Safety of Serrapeptase
Safety Risks
Some researchers are concerned that serrapeptase could interfere with blood clotting. Do not use this product if you have a bleeding disorder. Web MD recommends not using serrapeptase for at least two weeks before surgery. Little research has been conducted into the safety of serrapeptase during pregnancy or while breast feeding; be safe and don't use it.
Drug Interactions
Since serrapeptase may slow blood clotting, researchers do not recommend using it in combination with other medications that also slow clotting. Rx List recommends avoiding medications such as heparin, warfarin, diclofenac, ibuprofen and aspirin, among others.
Serrapeptase reduces swelling inside the cheek after sinus surgery. Some research suggests that serrapeptase may also be useful for reducing the swelling and pain associated with laryngitis and other sore throat conditions, and it may be valuable as a treatment for bronchitis or sinus pain, but Web MD warns that more research is needed to validate these claims.