Natural Cures Using Cinnamon and Honey
Skin Conditions
A paste made of honey and cinnamon is helpful treating all kinds of skin ailments, including acne, eczema, wounds and itchy skin. Cinnamon is a known antimicrobial, and honey is naturally great at healing wounds. Use more honey than cinnamon--up to three times as much honey--when making the paste. Apply to the affected area, and let it stand overnight. Then wash it off in the morning, and repeat as needed.
Stomach Ailments
A honey and cinnamon mixture tames an upset stomach, gas and indigestion. Mix 2 tbsp honey with a sprinkling of cinnamon, and take before a meal to relieve acidity and help digest food. Taken after a meal, it can cure a stomach ache. In Japan and India, it is used to relieve gas.
During a study at Copenhagen University, doctors gave their patients a mixture of 1 tbsp honey and 1/2 tsp cinnamon before breakfast daily. Within a week, 36 percent of patients had complete relief from chronic arthritis pain. Within a month, even those most severe cases of arthritis were moving with ease. Another common way to ingest this arthritis blend is as a hot drink. Mix 1 cup hot water, 2 tbsp honey and 1 tsp cinnamon. This beverage may be taken daily.
Cold Cure and Immunity Booster
Honey and cinnamon in warm water helps relieve colds. Honey and cinnamon together boost the immune system and help fight off infections and illness. Honey is naturally full of vitamins and minerals, which varies by area of origin. This cold cure can be taken as a spoonful of honey with a sprinkling of cinnamon or can be added to hot water for a soothing drink. The steam and heat from the water can also relieve congestion. Honey on its own has often been given for relief of coughs --simply take a spoonful when the throat feels irritated.
Other Cures
Local honey is often suggested for allergy suffers. Honey and cinnamon can be ingested to relieve bladder infections, lower cholesterol, help with weight loss or even cure bad breath.