Detox Remedies

Detoxing is a process anyone can try to help the body break down and eliminate toxins that accumulate over the course of time. These toxins include environmental pollutants such as air and water pollution, and cigarette smoke, as well as many most people never consider, such as ingredients in packaged and processed foods, and alcohol. There are several ways you can help your body detox without making much effort.
  1. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

    • Eating more leafy greens and brightly colored fruits and vegetables, instead of a lot of meat, can help your body push out toxins. There are a few key organs that assist with toxin elimination: the kidneys, liver and skin. They do this by sorting the good nutrition from the bad and ridding the body of the bad. Sometimes, however, the build up of toxins becomes too much for our systems to handle, so we have to give them a little help. Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables can help because these foods are full of nutritional value, are easier for the body to digest than meats (proteins), grains and dairy products, and contain one of the best ingredients for your body: water.

      Essentially, this method involves going on a raw vegan diet until you stop experiencing the effects of detoxification. Depending on the amount and types of toxins it is eliminating, the body shows various symptoms of detoxification, from needing to use the bathroom frequently, to boils, to foul smells in the skin, breath or bodily waste.

    The Water Detox

    • Adding more water to your diet is a great way to flush out toxins. When you are not properly hydrated, your body begins to take water from other cells and add it to your blood cells, which adds unnecessary stress to your body's systems, including the circulatory, lymphatic and digestive systems. If you're not drinking 64 ounces of water per day, begin doing it now.

    The Juice Fast

    • A juice fast is one of the easiest and best options for a detox because it is simple, effective and easy on your wallet. All you have to do is drink juices that have no sugar added, or you can purchase fruit in bulk and juice it at home. Do not eat anything during this type of fast: You will get all of your nutrition from juices. If at all possible, include at least one vegetable juice a day, and then choose fruit juices that promote toxin elimination, such as grapefruit, pomegranate, blueberry and cranberry. You can also drink water and herbal teas on this fast, but sweeten your tea with honey instead of sugar, if needed. Avoid dairy products.

    Detox Programs

    • There are several detox programs on the market that target specific systems, such as colon and digestive system cleanses. These are a series of herbal supplements and/or teas to be taken or drunk every day until the supplies run out. Read package directions thoroughly for specific instructions on how to use them.

    Hygiene and Exercise During Detox

    • Depending on the amount of toxins your body is eliminating, there are many forms in which they can be released, including sweat, boils and waste. Thus, it is important to be on top of your personal hygiene. This may include taking two or more showers a day, brushing your teeth more than twice a day or applying topical ointments to any boils or lesions that may occur. Exercising daily is conducive to removing toxins more quickly, as it helps your systems function to release more toxins through the skin.


    • Positive effects of detoxification can include weight loss, increased energy levels, a sunnier disposition and a more productive digestive system. If you have certain conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), you may notice an alleviation in symptoms. Performing a body detox twice a year is healthy, but detoxes should not be done back to back -- allow your body the time it needs to adjust. One detox every two to three months is healthiest.

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