The Healing Power of Coconut Oil
For at least 4,000 years people of various cultures have revered coconut oil as an important medicine and have valued its healing properties. Popular to this day, coconut oil is used as an ingredient in lotions, skin care products and hair treatments.
The healing properties of coconut oil are due to its medium-chain fatty acids, with which the body produces energy. Lauric acid, one of the components of coconut oil, is found in human milk. Coconut oil's antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties make it effective against such conditions as candida, inflammatory bowel disease and ulcers, according to the book "Coconut Cures" by Bruce Fife.
Pacific Islanders consider coconut oil to be an excellent skin lotion, and many apply it from head to toe every morning. It helps protect their skin from the sun's rays in a hot tropical climate. Coconut oil is a healthy fat for cooking and can be used as a massage oil for any skin type.