The Use of Regular Umbrellas for UVA Protection
Sunscreen can feel like more trouble than it's worth, and you may forget or avoid applying it from time to time. Certain umbrellas make very effective UV-protection devices. The best ones to use for this purpose are specifically built to block UVA rays, the most dangerous of all sun rays, but your run-of-the-mill umbrella will work in a pinch.-
Nylon umbrellas
Most umbrella canopies are made of nylon or a nylon blend. Nylon is a synthetic fabric used for for items such as parachutes and tents because of its strength. It's also used as the base for fabrics manufactured specifically to block UV rays, like Solarweave.
UV-blocking umbrellas
If you've heard of an umbrella being used for UVA protection, odds are it was not a regular umbrella but one specifically formulated to block UV rays. UV protection umbrellas have canopies made of a fabric with a nylon base; however, this fabric also has sun-blocking minerals woven into it.
The use of a typical umbrella to prevent UVA damage will probably not be as effective as the use of a UV umbrella. However, even a shirt made of cotton, which is much less strong, resilient and opaque than a nylon umbrella, offers some UV protection. If you're hoping to use an umbrella as your primary sun protection method in the long-term, invest in a UV protection umbrella. However, if you're on your way out of the house on a sunny day and realize you'd like some extra protection from sunburn, it would be worth it to grab your regular umbrella. It won't block 99 percent of all rays like its UV-formulated cousins, but it will certainly help.