Herbal Remedies for Lice
Lice are a type of parasite that infest human hair, commonly on the head. They can cause scalp and neck irritation, and spread readily from person to person through direct contact, as well as through items like combs, hats, towels and linens. There are many over-the-counter products to kill both the live lice and their eggs; however, these often contain chemicals that can harmful to humans and the environment. There are several natural herb-based remedies to remove the lice that can be prepared at home.-
Essential Oils
Rosemary, eucalyptus, tea tree, lavender and geranium oils have all been shown to kill head lice, and are commonly found at many supermarkets or health food stores. Mix a few drops of one or several of these essential oils into a 1/2 cup of a carrier oil (like olive or vegetable oil). Massage the oil into the hair and scalp, cover with a shower cap or plastic wrap and let the oil sit on the head for several hours before washing out. Carefully comb through the treated hair to check for remaining nits, and gently pull them out (a nit comb, available at most pharmacies, is helpful with this task). Repeat the treatment as needed, typically two or three times to thoroughly remove all lice and eggs.
Neem Leaves
Neem is a tree that grows in tropical regions, and its leaves and bark are often used in Ayurvedic medicine. Steep three or four neem leaves in 1/2 cup of coconut oil in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid. Applying the homemade neem oil to the scalp will help to kill the lice and nits, and make it easier to remove them from the hair. Commercial neem oil can also be found at many health food stores, and used in a similar manner to the essential oils.
Other Remedies
Although not technically herb-based, there are several other natural remedies that may help with lice. Finely chopped garlic cloves mixed with lemon juice, a water and vinegar solution or mayonnaise (store-bought or homemade) can all be massaged into the scalp and left on for several hours or overnight. Comb through the hair to check for lice and nits, and repeat the treatment as necessary.