Remedies With Vinegar
Skin Irritations
Rub white distilled or cider vinegar onto skin to relieve sunburn, according to It can be reapplied frequently. Add 2 tbsp. of vinegar to a bath to relieve itching, according to The Vinegar Institute. Soothe burns with cold vinegar, which might prevent blistering. Try soaking toes in a mixture of vinegar and water to ease toenail fungus. Also, try a paste of vinegar and cornstarch to ease itchiness.
Bee Stings
A douse of vinegar on the sting of a bee or jellyfish can "soothe irritation and relieve itching," states the The Vinegar Institute's website.
Bug Spray
Equal amounts water, white distilled vinegar and liquid dish soap makes an effective insect repellent, according to The Vinegar Institute. Store it and apply it in a spray bottle.
Rinse 1/2 cup of vinegar mixed with 2 cups of warm water through the hair to help fight dandruff. The Home Remedies website recommends adding cider vinegar to a final hair rinse to disperse dandruff.
Common Cold Symptoms
Add a tsp. of vinegar to a glass of water, mix with honey, then gargle and swallow to soothe a sore throat, recommends The Vinegar Institute. Add vinegar to a vaporizer to help with sinus infections or respiratory congestion.
Upset Stomach
Drink a mixture of apple cider vinegar, honey and water to calm a queasy stomach, states The Vinegar Institute. The combination may even help pregnant women with morning sickness.
Weight Loss
Vinegar, especially apple cider vinegar, has been touted for its weight-loss properties, according to The website states that apple cider vinegar made from the "double fermentation of whole apples should be used, and it should not be distilled." However, there are few research studies to back up these weight-loss claims.
Diabetes Blood Sugar
According to a study published in the January 2010 volume of the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, ingesting a small amount of vinegar with meals of complex carbohydrates can have an antiglycemic effect, meaning vinegar eaten as part of a carbohydrate rich meal can result in a lower blood sugar level after the meal.