How Do I Eradicate Candida Overgrowth Naturally?
Things You'll Need
- Yogurt
- Garlic
- Grapefruit seed extract
The best step to getting rid of a Candida overgrowth would be preventative care. Limit your intake on sugar, white flour and overly processed foods. This will allow your immune system to stay strong and balanced. Start by changing your diet and include natural foods such as whole grain, raw fruits and vegetables in your diet.
Eat yogurt. Look for yogurt brands that contain live cultures, such as S. Thermophilus or L. Acidophilus. These are probiotic cultures that help restore balance in your intestinal track. Greek yogurt is one type of yogurt that has a good amount of live cultures in it.
Include garlic in your diet. Not only does it taste good, but garlic also has antibacterial and antifungal properties that are effective in ridding the body of excessive Candida. Taking garlic will also boost the immune system. Fresh, dried and concentrated garlic products are available at most grocery and health food stores.
Consider taking grapefruit seed extract. Nutritionists have recommended the use of this extract for its antiviral and anti-fungal properties. There are no side effects associated with taking grapefruit seed extract. Typically, it comes in a liquid concentrate or in a tablet form.