Home Remedies for Killing Crab Lice
Products such as Rid and Nix can help treat crab lice. However, if you do not want to use products that contain chemicals, you can make your own using natural ingredients. Make a solution containing 1/3 cup almond oil, two tsp. lavender oil, and two tsp. of bergamot oil and two tsp. of eucalyptus oil. Apply it before bed and keep it covered all night. Rinse it out the next morning and use a lice comb to remove any lice and eggs. These ingredients can be found in health food stores and bath and body shops.
Mix together 1/4 cup of vinegar and 1/4 cup of water. Then mix one tablespoon of salt, honey and sugar and add it to the water and vinegar mixture. The mixture will only work if it is thick and granulated so add additional quantities of the ingredients if necessary to thicken. Use a cotton ball to apply the mixture and hold the cotton ball to the affected area for thirty minutes. After you remove the cotton ball, scrub the area with it. Then add margosa leaves to 500 ml of water and then add it to a bath. Margosa is a dense evergreen tree. Margosa leaves can be found in health food stores.
Wash Everything
Crab lice can linger up to two days in your clothing and bedding. Wash all linens and clothing in hot and soapy water. Dry on high heat for at least twenty minutes. For items that cannot not be machine washed, take the garments to a dry cleaner and seal them in a plastic bag for two weeks. Washing all items that you may have been in contact with will also help in preventing any other family members from coming in contact with the parasites.