Vitamins for Under-Eye Circles

Under-eye circles can be frustrating and embarrassing. Often times, they are not caused by anything in particular but are a genetic trait. Other causes of dark circles include allergies, lack of sleep, kidney problems, poor nutrition and even pregnancy. One way to help reduce under-eye circles is with vitamin supplements. It's best to work with your doctor to choose the right supplements, as you don't want to risk taking too high of a dose and doing more harm than good.
  1. Vitamin K

    • Vitamin K is one of the best vitamins to help treat dark under-eye circles. It helps blood around the eyes clot, which prevents any seepage which is what leads to dark circles. While there are creams that can be used under the eyes that contain vitamin K, you can also take vitamin K supplements or eat food rich with vitamin K. Those foods include kiwi fruit, cabbage and spinach.

    Vitamin C

    • Vitamin C is a way to also reduce the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. It protects against free radicals, which age the skin, especially the eye area as the skin under the eye is very thin. It also increases collagen in the skin. These all decrease under-eye circles. It's possible to receive enough Vitamin C through food or supplements. Food sources include broccoli, collard greens, blueberries, oranges and avocados.


    • Iron deficiency can lead to dark under-eye circles. A lack of iron is caused by some issues brought on by menstruation and pregnancy. The body loses iron during both of those times. The skin becomes more pale and the veins more prominent. This leads to a darkening effect. Take iron supplements or eat foods such as spinach, liver, prunes or raisins to boost iron levels and reduce under-eye circles.

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