Home Remedy Treatments for a Brown Recluse Bite
Antiseptic and Asprin
Asprin rubbed into a bite may reduce the poison under the skin. Wash bite immediately and put antiseptic on the area. Place an ice pack on the bite; this is supposed to slow absorption of the venom. Poison can be reduced by rubbing an aspirin into the bite, according to MotherNature.com.
Baking Soda
Put some baking soda in a bowl and mix with a little water to create a paste. Spread the paste onto the bite. Once it is dry, brush off the mixture and reapply every couple of hours, recommends the Earth Clinic website. This should help to draw out the spider venom.
Salt is easily available and could draw the venom out of the wound. Wash the wound and then add salt to it. Place a bandage over the infected area, and take it off after an hour. The Earth Clinic website states that the salt should have reduced the amount of venom and therefore reduced the swelling. Alternately you could soak the wound in warm salt water every day until swelling is reduced.
Ice and Elevation
Ice will reduce pain and swelling. Apply an ice pack to the bite area to reduce swelling and give some pain relief. If possible, elevate the area above the level of your heart. Wash the wound with cold water and mild soap. Try to avoid moving around too much, as activity will allow the venom to spread through the skin, according to WebMD.
Turmeric and Olive Oil
Mix turmeric and olive oil together to make a paste. Apply the paste to the bite. Keep doing this over the course of a week and the swelling and redness should reduce, states the Grandma's Home Remedies website.
Dried Basil
Rub dried basil between you fingers until it is very fine and then apply to the bite to help to relieve the itchiness of a bite. The Grandma's Home Remedies website recommends repeating this whenever the bite feels itchy.