Organic Olive Oil Soap and Skin Care
How Olive Oil Works
Olive oil is a moisturizer that provides a protective barrier to skin, but it is also full of antioxidants and polyphenols--main components of many cosmetic skin care products. Some oils are pore-clogging, or comedogenic, but olive oil is very low on this scale according to Soapnuts, and may actually help clear pores, pulling dirt and makeup out to the surface where it can be wiped away.
Olive Oil or Soap
Some people use olive and other oils directly on the skin as a cleansing regimen to leave skin moisturized and glowing. Others prefer to use a manufactured skin care product that contains olive oil as its main ingredient. Experiment and see which is the more beneficial treatment for your skin. If massaging olive oil directly onto your skin, always use an organic extra virgin olive oil, the purest kind of olive oil.
Olive Oil Soaps
There are many soaps containing olive oil as the main ingredient. Depending upon your preference, you can select an organic or a conventional soap. Some soaps will be scented with additional ingredients, and most will contain castile, glycerin or sodium chloride as the ingredient making the product a soap. Companies that make an olive oil soap include, but are not limited to, Kiss My Face, Dr. Bronner's, Manor Hall and Olivella.