How do I Remove the Build Up of Ear Wax From the Ear With Home Remedies?
Things You'll Need
- Rubber bulb syringe
- Water
- Rubbing alcohol
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Baby oil
Fill a rubber bulb syringe, available at most grocery stores or drugstores, with lukewarm water. Gently squeeze the bulb with the tip placed in the ear, letting the water enter into and then run out of the ear canal. The warm water will loosen and soften excess ear wax.
Repeat several times with the head tipped over a sink or bathtub.
Use a small, soft towel to gently wipe out the ear. Place a few drops of rubbing alcohol into the ear canal to help dry any remaining water.
Place a few drops of baby oil in the ear canal twice a day for 7 days if the ear wax is hardened and difficult to remove. Alternatively, use a drop or two of hydrogen peroxide, which will also soften the ear wax.