Do Teabags Help for Bags Under the Eye?
Different things cause bags to form under the eyes, anything from lack of sleep to allergic reactions to flowers blooming in the air. There is a way to eliminate these bags or avoid them altogether.-
Black, green or chamomile teas have been used to ease the bags under eyes. According to Dark Circles Gone, chamomile tea is used because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Moon Dragon's Health & Wellness states that tea bags contain a natural ingredient called tannin that relieves swelling. According to Doctors Lounge, soaking green, black or chamomile tea bags in milk and then laying them on your eyes helps relieve bags and soothes eye irritations
Moon Dragon's Health & Wellness suggests soaking chamomile tea bags in potato juice before putting them on your eyes; that way you get the benefit of the chamomile--an anti-inflammatory--and potato, which tightens the skin. Lie down when you are applying tea bags to your eyes. Tea bags soaked in cool water can also relieve itchy, watery eyes from allergic reactions.
Other Treatments
According to Moon Dragon's Health & Wellness, get plenty of rest, avoid smoking, limit your salt intake, avoid drinking fluids before bed and use an herb called Eyebright to get rid of bags under your eyes. Use Eyebright as a tea first and later use the bags on your eyes as a compress.