Original Bach Remedies
Remedies for Depression or Despondency
• Larch is for people who lack self-confidence and expect to fail.
• Oak is for people who neglect themselves because of their focus on their responsibilities.
• Crab Apple is for people who are ashamed or embarrassed, or who feel that others judge them because of their appearance.
• Star of Bethlehem is for people who are in trauma or grief.
• Willow is for people who harbor unspoken resentment or who have a victim mentality.
• Elm is for people who are overwhelmed by their responsibilities or feel inadequate.
• Pine for people who feel guilty or blame themselves excessively, often for things they have not done.
• Sweet Chestnut is for people who are hopeless and feel they have reached the end of their endurance.
• Mustard is for people who are down in the dumps for no apparent reason.
Remedies for Lack of Interest or Focus
• Olive is for stress and exhaustion.
• White Chestnut is for a restless mind or mind chatter.
• Wild Rose is for the apathetic and disinterested soul.
• Honeysuckle is for people who are focused on yesterday.
• Chestnut Bud helps when the same mistakes are repeated over and over or when insight is needed.
• Clematis is for people who are dreamy or lacking in focus.
Remedies for Fear
• Mimulus is for fear or anxiety about something specific or for the shy person.
• Red Chestnut is for those who fear the worst for others.
• Cherry Plum is for people who fear loosing control.
• Rock Rose is for extreme terror.
• Aspen is for those who are anxious without knowing why.
Remedies for Uncertainty
• Hornbeam is for procrastinators.
• Gorse is for those who are hopeless and giving up.
• Gentian is for discouragement after a setback.
• Scleranthus is for the vacillating and indecisive person.
• Wild Oat is used when someone can't find their purpose or calling.
• Cerato is used for self-doubt.
Remedies for Over-sensitivity
• Holly is for angry, jealous and resentful people.
• Centaury is for those who have difficulty saying "No."
• Agrimony is for those who suppress their needs to keep the peace.
• Walnut is for those who resist others or are experiencing major life transitions.
Remedies for Excessive Concern
• Vine is for bossy and domineering people.
• Vervain is for those who are burned out.
• Beech is for critical or intolerant people.
• Chicory is used when there is difficulty letting go of others.
• Rock Water is for those who are rigid and hard on themselves.
Remedies for Loneliness
• Heather is for those who are overly talkative and drive others away.
• Impatiens is for frustrated and impatient people.
• Water Violet is for those who very reserved and withdrawn
Combination Remedies
• Rescue Remedy contains Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose, Star of Bethlehem. It is used to restore a sense of calm, focus and control.
• Rescue Sleep is Rescue Remedy with White Chestnut added. It is best used when the mind is racing or stress prevents sleep.