Remedies for Envy & Jealousy
Herbal Aids
Many cultures in the East believe strongly that herbal concoctions can ease spiritual and psychological issues if ingested correctly. In India, the recommendation to ease the stress of envy and jealousy is to chew 12 basil leaves twice a day. The belief is that the leaves are holy and a natural stress preventative. Sage tea, made from a cup of boiling water with fresh sage sprigs, is another popular remedy once cooled.
Many in alternative medicine believe that several vitamins and minerals help counteract and reduce the negative effects of stress caused from jealousy and envy in the body. Vitamins A, found in leafy greens and yellow vegetables, helps to ease stress and may even prevent it when combined with Vitamin B. Vitamin B can also be found in leafy greens, bananas, certain nuts and even yeast. According to the Home Remedies website, "the pantothenic acid in vitamin B complex can deeply affect the adrenal glands and immune system."
Minerals such as calcium and magnesium are also touted for their stress relieving effects. Information on Home Remedies (see Resources) suggests that calcium---found in dairy, eggs and almonds---is a natural sedative, easing tension and anxiety. It also says magnesium is a natural tranquilizer that may prevent stress-induced heart attacks.
Thought and Behavior
Western philosophies assert that the best way to remedy envy and jealousy is psychologically, through thought and behavior modification. Therese Borchard, author of "Beyond Blue: Surviving Depression and Anxiety and Making the Most of Bad Genes," discusses this at PsychCentral. She suggests putting the object of your jealousy, a colleague or friend for example, in perspective as a human being with flaws and insecurities of her own. Borchard also recommends complimenting the person you envy as well as taking a moment to recognize your own strengths to battle the insecurities that create feelings of jealousy and envy.