Razor Bump Cures and Remedies
Crushed Aspirin
Aspirin can help reduce the inflammation caused by razor bumps. Crushed aspirin can alleviate razor bumps. Mash at least four aspirin and add some warm water in a bowl to create a paste. Apply the paste to the affected area and allow it to harden, then rinse it with warm water. One of aspirin's active ingredients is acetylsalicylic acid, which reduces inflammation, according to the Various Home Remedies website.
Warm Compress
Tweezers are used to remove ingrown hairs after using a warm compress. Dip a rag in warm water and place it over the razor bumps for a few minutes. This warm compress will open your skin's pores. Tweezers may then be used to remove the ingrown hairs.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera can reduce inflammation brought on by razor bumps. Aloe vera gel contains special compounds that reduce inflammation caused by razor bumps, according to the Various Home Remedies website. Open an aloe vera leaf and squeeze its solution on the affected area. This product works best when used for a few consecutive days.