Colloidal Silver Benefits
One of the most substantial claims made by colloidal silver advocates is that the substance is a multi-purpose, microorganism-fighting agent, effective in eliminating disease-causing bacteria, viruses, fungi and other single-celled pathogens. Dr. Henry Crooks, a bacteriologist, conducted an experiment in the early 1900s showing that colloidal silver was able to kill all types of disease-spreading microorganisms within six minutes of ingestion. Crooks and his sympathetic contemporaries proposed that the "miracle" substance does this by disputing a microorganism's ability to take in oxygen and metabolize properly. Patients who undergo colloidal silver treatment for external conditions like lesions or acne commonly spray or rub the colloidal substance on their skin or affected areas. For other conditions, patients may ingest the substance.
However, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health, a 2004 study led by scientists at the Bamalete Lutheran Hospital in Botswana showed that colloidal silver has no antimicrobial properties.
Eye Infections
Using colloidal silver as eye drops could be effective in curing eye conditions such as sty or eye inflammation, as well as conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is a specific type of inflammation that occurs in the mucous membranes that coat your eyeballs and the inside of your eyelids. While the scientific evidence supporting these claims is lacking, Dr. Ray Sahelian notes that the substance is safe to use for a period of a few days, and may help soothe your eyes.
Placebo Effect
The Wall Street Journal reports that many of today's metallic remedies and energy boosters, such as magnetic arthritis bracelets and titanium shoelaces, function primarily as placebos. Many feel colloidal silver falls into this category. Instead of providing physiological benefits to the body by actually destroying microorganisms, taking colloidal silver can cause patients to believe they are being cured, which can be a powerful psychological aide. Since moderate use of colloidal silver is safe for the body, taking the substance in appropriate doses can serve as a mental booster. This is only true if the patient believes in colloidal silver's ability to work.
Colloidal silver is an alternative medicine, one that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not recommend for safe and effective use. Always consult with a physician before taking colloidal silver, as in some instances overusing the substance can cause side effects. One of the most well-known conditions that can result is argyria, which causes the skin to turn blue.