How to Clear Psoriasis of the Scalp
Things You'll Need
- Ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione or ciclopirox
- Calcipotriene ointment
- Clobetasol
Purchase specially medicated shampoos from the pharmacy. The New Zealand Dermatological Society suggests either a coal tar shampoo or an antifungal shampoo such as ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione or ciclopirox. You may need to use the shampoos on a regular basis for a number of weeks before you see a benefit. Although they are safe for daily use, these shampoos may cause irritation if applied more than twice a week.
Treat scalp psoriasis with calcipotriene ointment, suggests the National Psoriasis Foundation. Calcipotriene ointment is a synthetic form of vitamin D3 that is formulated to slow down skin cell growth, remove scale and flatten lesions. suggests applying this cream topically twice a day, in the morning and evening. You may continue treatment for six to eight weeks or as directed by your doctor.
Clear up scalp psoriasis using corticosteroids if the psoriasis of the scalp is localized. A research study by Wake Forest University School of Medicine published in the Dermatology Online Journal in 2000 recommends applying a topical corticosteroid such as clobetasol. The research showed that following the application of topical clobetasol solution, there was between 80 percent and 100 percent improvement in two weeks for 80 percent of those undergoing treatment.