What Can Silver Water Do for You?
Because silver inhibits the growth of bacteria and keeps parasites from living, silver water can be used to fight or prevent infections. Silver water can also be used as an eyewash, a mouthwash, a topical antibiotic for scrapes and cuts and ear drops for people prone to ear infections.
Silver water is available at most health food stores, as well as some pharmacies and drug stores. You can also purchase silver water on the Internet. When purchasing silver water, read the labels to compare prices for different strengths. The strengths are measured in ppms (parts per million). Herbalists consider ppms less than 500 to be worthless in fighting disease.
Although silver water may offer many health benefits, it can also cause problems. Under some circumstances, silver can act as a heavy metal poison in the human body. This generally occurs when the silver particles are too large. The smaller the particles are, the less likely the body is to react to the silver as a toxin. The most common adverse reaction to silver is a condition called argyria, which turns the skin a bluish gray color. Argyria doesn't have any other known symptoms besides skin discoloration.
Although many health supplement manufacturers tout the efficacy of silver water in boosting the immune system, most evidence is anecdotal. Comprehensive research studies regarding the benefits and risks of silver water have either not been done or not been conclusive. Therefore, there is some risk in using silver water on a regular basis.
Buying colloidal silver water from health food stores can be expensive, but machines have been developed to help you produce it in your own home. Called colloidal silver generators, these machines can be plugged into an outlet in your home so you can make your own silver water. Depending on how often you use silver water, making your own can be very cost effective.