Red Marine Algae for Viral Infections
Since 600 B.C., the Chinese have incorporated marine red algae into their diet for its nutritional and medicinal benefits. The Chinese believe that red algae improves the flow of qi energy in the body resulting in a sense of well being and improved energy levels. Qi (pronounced "chi") is defined as breath or air.
Modern Knowledge
Modern scientists and researchers have known the medicinal benefits of red algae and recently discovered its anti-viral potential. Currently, scientists are aware that with regular intake red algae can boost the immune system against viral infections and treat a multitude of other illnesses such as boils, urinary tract infections, asthma, goiters, and stomach problems.
Scientific Findings
Recent scientific studies on the effects of red algae as an anti-viral are revealing. Clinical studies conducted by the University of British Columbia reports the anti-viral activity of red algae against the herpes simplex virus as positive, meaning it is effective in the treatment of the virus. The American Society for Microbiology states that two species of red algae have inhibited the replication of the herpes simplex virus.
Additionl Antiviral Potential
There are many other viruses harmful to humans that red algae has been successful in fighting in addition to herpes simplex I (cold sores) and II (genital herpes). Red algae is effective against sexually transmitted diseases such as Human Immune Deficiency (HIV) and the Human Papillovirus (HPV) that causes genital warts. Additionally, scientists are discovering how effective red algae is against the viral infection Candida, which is associated with chronic yeast infections in women.
How Red Algae Works
Red algae has been reported to rival the effectiveness of modern synthetic anti-virals such as Acyclovir. The benefits from red algae come from its natural active agent of carrageenans, which are members of the family of sulfated polysaccharides. Polysaccharides stimulate the production of interferons that work as a natural anti-viral agent and improves the activity of T-Cells and B-Cells that destroy virus-infected cells within the body.
Red algae can be purchased without a doctor's prescription and can be used as a natural viral preventative and immune system booster. However, homeopathic remedies to treat existing viruses should only be used once you have consulted a doctor and have full knowledge of what type of virus you intend to treat with red algae therapy.