What is the Role of Jojoba Oil in Oral Healing?
Where Does Jojoba Oil Come From?
The jojoba shrub is a perennial found in southern Arizona, southern California and northern Mexico. A pod containing three seeds grows on the shrub. The seeds are 48 percent to 50 percent oil. Native Americans and Mexicans have used the oil for centuries.
What is a Canker Sore?
A canker sore is a single-clustered, shallow, painful ulcer found anywhere in the mouth. A canker sore starts as a reddened lesion which turns white or gray at the center surrounded by a reddish halo. According to the "Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine," it usually clears up after seven to 21 days but is recurrent in some people. Stress, nutrient deficiency (thiamine deficiency in particular) and gluten sensitivity are all known causes of canker sores. These factors bring about canker sores because all impair normal immune function. It is, however, possible to develop a canker by merely injuring the mucous lining in the mouth.
What is a Cold Sore?
Cold sores or fever blisters are small, painful blisters that appear on the lips, nose and mouth. Herpes simplex virus 1 is the cause of these unpleasant sores. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, most people become infected when exposed to the virus, but only 10 percent develop sores. After contact with an infected person, the sores last seven to 10 days.
How Does Jojoba Oil Aid in Healing?
Jojoba oil resembles the sebum found in skin, and so it does not cause any allergic reaction. It possesses microbial properties which discourage the growth of bacteria and fungal microbes. Its bacteria-fighting power comes from the oil's iodine content. The oil also contains nutrients such as vitamin E, B complex vitamins, and minerals such as silicon, chromium, copper and zinc.
Since the cause of cold sores is viral and canker sores stem from poor immune function, jojoba oil only aids in the natural healing process of the sores. In the case of mouth sores, the oil is desired for its anti-inflammatory properties which reduce pain and speed healing. It also moisturizes cracked lips from fever blisters.
Jojoba Oil Use on Mouth Sores
Use a cotton swab to apply the jojoba oil to sores. Use 20 drops maximum or 2 tsp. daily until condition clears.
Choosing the Right Jojoba Oil
Most health-food stores carry jojoba oil. Always buy organic jojoba oil that is pesticide and preservative free. Read the label and make sure there is nothing added. Organic jojoba oil can be pricey, but a little goes a long way.