L-Tyrosine for Night Sweats in Menopause
What is LT
L- Tyrosine (LT) is an amino acid which aids in synthesizing several neurotransmitters and chemicals in your brain. It has an important role in synthesizing three key neurotransmitters, called dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine. All of these are involved in regulating your appetite and your moods and can help reduce your body's reaction to stress. As hormonal levels change during menopause, which affects the above neurotransmitters, LT can help to reduce night sweats as well as other uncomfortable symptoms.
LT for Menopause
LT has been used widely by women undergoing menopause to reduce night sweats as well as symptoms like depression, fatigue, appetite loss and headaches. When night sweats occur during perimenopause or after menopause is completed, LT can still be very helpful for night sweats which may continue or recur. The actual functioning of LT is complex. It appears to support the appropriate balance of neurotransmitters. High serotonin levels affect the sense of relaxation and high dopamine levels tend to support mental alertness.
What are Night Sweats
Night sweats range widely from mild to quite severe and result from all the hormonal changes going on during menopause. They are similar to the hot flashes which can happen at any time. Some women wake in the middle of the night feeling like their body is on fire. Often you can drift back to sleep and then wake again finding your sheets soaking wet. If this happens several times, it is difficult to get the rest you need. Sleep deprivation often contributes to other symptoms like fatigue, depression, aches and pains.
Tests and Diagnosis
Your doctor can test for some of the hormone changes going on during menopause so that you can work out a course of treatment. Saliva testing is used in determining whether there are excesses or deficiencies in the six major sex hormones; estrogens (E1, E2, and E3), testosterone, progesterone and dihydroepiandosterone. Doctors can also test the functioning of the thyroid, pituitary and hypothalamus glands. All of the above often contribute to hot flashes and night sweats.
Side Effects and Interactions
LT is safe for most people, taken over several months. For longer use, it is worth consulting with a nutritionist or naturopathic doctor. Some people do experience side effects like headache, fatigue, heartburn, nausea and joint pain. For people with thyroid disorders LT is not a good idea since it may not mix well with thyroid medications. For women who do not want to use hormone treatment known as HRT to reduce night sweats. LT is a safe alternative substance for night sweats and other related symptoms.