How to Maintain Industry Indoor Air Quality Standards Using Plants
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) research on indoor plants found that living plants are so efficient at absorbing contaminants that some plants will be launched into space as part of the biological life support system for future orbiting space stations. You can use these same plants to maintain excellent indoor air quality in industrial buildings on planet earth.
Things You'll Need
- 15 to 20 plants for a 2000-square-foot office (or 3 to 4 plants per person)
Learn what plants act as efficient air filters to revitalize the air quality in industrial buildings with reduced airflow and toxic gas problems. Some of the most useful plants that clean the air inside buildings and absorb potentially harmful gases include: Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea Seifritzii), Areca Plam (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens), Golden Cane Palm (Dypsis lutescens), Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema Modestum), English Ivy (Hedera Helix), Gerbera Daisy (Gerbera Jamesonii), Dracaena "Janet Craig," Dracaena Marginata, Mass cane/Corn Plant (Dracaena Massangeana), Mother-in-Law's Tongue (Sansevieria Laurentii), Pot Mum (Chrysantheium morifolium), Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum), Money Plant or Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum).
Choose ornamental flowering plants that complement the colors of your office. Flowering plants such as the Gerbera daisy (Gerbera jamesonii) and chrysanthemum (Leucanthemum) are extremely potent in purifying interior air and are also lovely to look at. They are easy to care for and available in a myriad of colors.
Place 3 to 4 Areca Palm plants (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) near individuals with allergies or asthma because they clean allergens from the air and increase oxygen.
Use Golden Pothos, Philodendron and Spider Plants to reduce formaldehyde and other major pollutants. NASA researchers found these to be the three most effective plants for removing toxins in problem areas with poor air quality caused by plastics, synthetic fibers, lubricants, rubber, pesticides, new carpets laden with formaldehyde, copying machines, radon, second-hand smoke and more.
Use Mother-In-Law's Tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata) to remove carbon dioxide from the building and increase oxygen levels at night. Most plants increase oxygen supply during the day only but the Sanseveria maintains indoor air quality and oxygen levels at night as well.
Calculate how many plants you need to effectively clean the air. Bring in 15 to 20 plants in 6-inch pots or larger for a 2,000 square foot space, . You can also calculate the number of plants needed by the number of people in the space. Bring in approximately four 18-inch high plants for each person.
Care for your plants properly by watering them as needed. Take proper care of the plants. The plants suggested are all easy to care for and will thrive if you water them as needed and give them an adequate growing environment. For maximum air quality, put plants together strategically in groups instead of scattering single plants. Maximize air exposure to the plant root soil zone by clipping off lower leaves. Regularly wipe dust off the plants leaves to maximize air exposure to the leaves, where many toxins in the air are removed by the plant.
Water plants reqularly and keep plant leaves free of dust.