Bay Leaf Cures & Remedies

Bay trees are native to Asia Minor. Over time they spread throughout areas of the world with similar mild climates. The bay leaf was valued in ancient Rome and Greece. Emperors, poets and heroes would wear honorific wreaths of bay leaves on their heads. Bay leaves are also valuable in the kitchen for the distinctive flavor they impart to foods. Historically bay leaves have been employed for a number of medicinal purposes. It is possible to create simple natural remedies employing bay leaves in your home. Be sure to consult a physician regarding before employing any natural remedies whose value has not been validated scientifically.
  1. Respiratory and Stomach Ailments

    • Bay leaves are said to be useful in treating respiratory ailments. Boil two bay leaves in a cup of water for up to 10 minutes. Soak a cloth in the water and lay it on your chest. You can also remove the bay leaves and drink the infused water, which is reported to be useful in treating flatulence, reducing intestinal cramps, aiding in digestion and settling the stomach.

    Bay Leaf Oil for Dandruff

    • The essential oil of bay is said to be be helpful for dandruff or baldness. Rub the oil into your scalp in the morning and again at night. You can obtain this oil at your local health food store or you can make your own treatment by heating a cup of olive oil with two or three bay leaves. Keep the oil at a low heat for 20 minutes, then strain. Cool and apply.

    Bruising and Sprains

    • The essential oil of bay has been used since the Middle Ages to treat bruising as well as sprains. If rubbed on the affected area, the oil will reportedly relieve pain and aid healing.

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