The Hypnotic Diet

According to expert hypnotherapist Tom Nicoli, healthy weight loss can easily be achieved by listening to a behavior modification program--also known as hypnosis. Hypnosis is a natural state where the mind is focused and concentrated and open to positive suggestion. Hypnotherapists also encourage patients to utilize imagination techniques to visualize positive outcomes, such as weight loss.
  1. History of Hypnosis

    • Franz Anton Mesmer, an Austrian physician, is known in some circles as the father of hypnosis. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, Mesmer believed illness was caused by unbalanced magnetic fluids in the body. His unconventional methods of treatment included magnets and hypnotic techniques. Yet Mesmer's controversial procedures failed to persuade fellow physicians, and later he was accused of fraud.

      Hypnosis regained popularity in the mid-1900s, when it was recognized by the American Psychological Association and the American Medical Association as a valid medical procedure. Today it is widely used for many behavioral and medicinal procedures.

    The Hypnotic Diet

    • Thanks to the Internet, hypnotic diets are readily available by way of instant downloads. The key to success, however, is regular use of hypnotherapy. Whether you purchase hypnosis CDs or actual sessions with a hypnotherapist, the behavioral suggestions must be repeated until they become instinctual.

      Sessions last approximately 25 to 60 minutes on average. If you choose hypnosis CDs rather than face-to-face sessions, it's highly encouraged to find a peaceful place with no distractions. Next, put on a pair of headphones and drift off into deep relaxation. Your subconscious will absorb the information, and over time, your attitude toward food and dieting will change.

      If you choose to meet with a hypnotherapist, she can help you via regular sessions and custom-made reinforcement CDs. Having said that, it's important to select a hypnotist who is a credentialed health care provider.

    Hypnosis as a Contribution

    • Many medical professionals believe hypnosis to be a positive contribution to weight loss rather than the sole factor. Dr. David Katz, an ABC medical contributor and professor at Yale University, says hypnosis is not the definitive solution to weight loss. Instead, hypnosis is a good companion to regular exercise and healthy eating.

    Hypnosis as Sole Factor

    • Other hypnotherapists, such as Tom Nicoli and Susan French, claim hypnosis alone can cure any negative behavioral problem--including overeating. The problem with this assertion is that not everybody can be hypnotized. In fact, a report by Stanford University states that only 15 percent of the nation's population is highly hypnotizable. And 10 to 15 percent can't be hypnotized at all.

    Hypnotic Diet Risks

    • It's recommended that you seek an expert opinion from your doctor regarding hypnosis. Without proper diagnosis, hypnotherapy could worsen your condition. Moreover, poorly trained hypnotists can cause harm and warp an otherwise positive experience.

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