The Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil for the Heart
Coconut oil is considered a saturated fat. However, saturated fats in coconut oil do not negatively impact cholesterol in the body. In fact, the natural non-hydrogenated coconut oil is said to improve the good cholesterol, HDL (high density lipoprotein). HDL helps to protect the body against risk of heart disease. The Coconut Research Center claims that consuming coconut oil on a daily basis can decrease a person's chance of suffering a heart attack or stroke, due to the levels of HDL cholesterol.
Weight Loss
Healthy weight can equal a healthy heart. Coconut oil possesses many benefits for weight loss which in return benefits the heart. Coconut oil is extremely rich in medium and small fatty chains acids. These chains allow fatty acids to become easily metabolized contributing to healthy weight loss. Both virgin and coconut oil is easily digested. Coconut oil also keeps thyroid and enzymes systems functioning healthily while metabolism increases due to reduced pancreatic stress.
Antioxidants are an important factor in overall health. Weight loss, a healthy heart and cancer prevention, are all benefits of adequate amounts of antioxidants in the body. Virgin coconut oil is rich in antioxidants.
Heart Disease
Coconut oil contains a compound known as MCFA. MCFA found in coconut oil has been used in studies that have shown its powerful effect on the arteries. When arteries become hardened with accumulated plaque, it puts one at risk of heart disease. According to the Coconut Oil Research Center, coconut oil helps to battle free radicals, toxins and viruses that promote artherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Without this conditions present, heart disease is less likely to become a threat. Because coconut oil is mainly a source of energy, it doesn't build up around the heart and arteries as other oils tend to do. The Organic Facts website explains that coconut oil is preferred by athletes for its ability to metabolize fatty acids.
Virgin Coconut oil vs. Coconut Oil
Processing of the coconut is what divides virgin coconut oil from coconut oil. Virgin coconut oil undergoes no artificial filtering. It's made fresh from the coconut, unlike coconut oil which is made from sun dried coconut. The texture of the oil is also different. Virgin coconut oil is thinner, allowing it to melt almost instantly with heat. Coconut oil is a bit thicker and calls for more intense heat to be melted. Scent and taste also differ between virgin coconut oil and coconut oil.
Before incorporating virgin, or any coconut oil into your diet, it is wise to discuss its medical benefits with a physician. Although there is a lot of information on coconut oil and its contributions to good health, many physicians and experts believe that the opposite may be true, or its effects may be neutral. The American Heart Association and other heart organizations do not offer much information regarding coconut oil and its relation to good health. More research is needed on this topic before a definitive link between coconut oil and good health can be drawn.