Homemade Remedies

Whenever we get sick, we have few choices. See a doctor, ride out the illness or try home remedies. Most often, people seek homemade remedies for the common cold to make them feel better and hopefully get over the bug quicker. For a stubborn cold, try each of these remedies, which are geared toward boosting your own immune system into fighting off the illness.


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      Start your home remedy with lemon and honey. Dilute lemon juice in hot water. Lemon's vitamin C helps boost your body's natural defenses. Add a teaspoon of honey to your drink. For a stronger remedy, add in a pinch of cayenne pepper. Drink this mixture a couple of times a day.

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      Drink a bowl of garlic soup. Boil 3 or 4 cloves of chopped, fresh garlic. Garlic is believed to have many medicinal properties, including antiseptic ones. The oils in garlic will help open up your breathing passages. Drinking this soup helps flush toxins and reduce fever. You can also add a beneficial teaspoon of onion juice.

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      Make a drink of hot ginger and sugar. Chop up about 10 grams of fresh ginger and boil it in water. Add to this sugar. You can also opt to add the ginger into your hot tea, if you wish. Ginger is good for the stomach and helps reduce fevers.

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      Mix half a teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of warm milk. This will help with sore throats associated with colds. Drink this once or twice a day. And if you carefully burn the turmeric in clean, safe container, you can inhale the smoke to help clear up stuffy sinus passages.

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