Home Remedies for the Relief of a Mono Infection
Herbal Treatments
Astragalus is a principal herb of traditional Chinese medicine and is valued for its immune-boosting properties. It also acts against viruses. Take tablets as directed on the label.
Gleditsiaq and scutelleria contain substances that kill the EBV virus. Take gleditsiaq tablets as directed on the product label and scutelleria 1 1/2 tsp. three times daily. Do not use scutelleria if you have diarrhea.
Olive leaf has potent antiviral activity. Use the extract as directed on the label.
Green tea stimulates the immune system. Take 250 to 500mg three times a day.
Echinacea is another well known immune stimulant. Take 900mg daily for five to seven days.
Homeopathic Remedies
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the following remedies are used by homeopaths to treat mono. Take as directed on the product label.
These treatments are useful for fighting fever: belladonna is most effective during the early stages of the condition; ferrum phosphoricum treats fever in the early stages that is accompanied by a painful cough and a sore chest; and kali muriaticum is normally used to treat swollen tonsils but can be effective in treating mono when used in conjunction with ferrum phosphoricum.
These treatments are useful for treating specific symptoms of the infection: mercurius is most effective for people who are experiencing a fever along with excessive sweating, weak limbs, aching bones, a continuous desire to swallow and extreme thirst; phytolacca can be administered for pain triggered by throat inflammation that moves to the ears when swallowing.
Other Suggestions
Consume foods rich in protein. It is necessary to encourage formation of antibodies that shield against possible complications like jaundice and hepatitis. Avoid foods that weaken the immune system. These include coffee, fried and processed foods, soft drinks, sugar and white flour products. Omega-3 fatty acids are good for reducing inflammation and improving immunity. Take either evening primrose, black currant or fish oil supplements as directed on the label.