About Skin Brushing & Body Detox
The Body's Natural Detox Systems
The skin is the largest organ of the body. It eliminates toxins through perspiration. The skin's pores can become clogged, and then not be as efficient at eliminating toxins. The lymphatic system is quite complex, and includes the thymus, spleen, white blood cells called leukocytes, and lymph nodes. It collects bacteria and other harmful substances and removes it from the blood stream. Both these systems collect purge toxins from the body.
Dry brushing effects both the skin and lymphatic system by eliminating dead cells, improving circulation, and stimulating sebaceous and sweat glands. This rids the body of toxins. Dry skin brushing may even go one step further, and help regenerate skin cells. The practice also is thought to reduce or eliminate cellulite.
How to Skin Brush
Skin brushes have natural-fiber bristles, which may be too intense at first. Start with a natural-fiber brush glove or loofah until skin gets used to the sensation. Buy a brush with a handle so you'll be able to reach behind to your back. Brushing should be gentle, especially on sensitive areas, and always move circular motion toward your heart. Avoid brushing cuts and bruises. The practice should take about five minutes.
Going Through the Motions
Before getting into the shower, brush your skin, starting at the soles of your feet. Moving up toward the heart, brush your calves, then knees and thighs. Brush the abdomen in a circular motion to stimulate the intestines. Then brush your arms, starting at the palms, working your way to your chest and neck. Step into the shower, and rinse off dead skin cells.
Consult your physician before dry skin brushing skin. This step is especially important if you have cancer. Do not share your brush with other family members or friends. Sensitive areas such as your face should not be brushed. Keep the dry skin brush near the shower for easy access.