How to Reduce Excess Acidity in the Body
Both acidosis and alkalosis can lead to myriad health problems, including weakened immunity. Acidosis, which is the more common condition, is especially problematic, because it interferes with optimal functioning in cells throughout the body, particularly white blood cell production. Cells that are produced are of inferior quality, making it easy for infections to develop. Correcting acidosis benefits the entire body.
Things You'll Need
- Litmus paper to test pH
Determine your pH by testing the second urine of the day with litmus paper by following the directions on the product. Litmus paper is available at most pharmacies and medical supply companies.
If the test shows excessively high acid levels indicating acidosis, reduce intake of acidic foods, including sugar, coffee, alcohol and most proteins, except almonds, milk, butter and soft cheeses. Focus primarily on eating raw fruits and vegetables. Almost all fruits and vegetables, except for tomatoes, cranberries and blueberries, are alkalizing.
Use buffered vitamin C supplements to alleviate the effects of acidosis promoting substances.
Add the minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium and a pH balancing supplement to the daily regimen to reduce acidity and to replenish minerals that may be lost in the body's attempt to balance an overly acidic condition.
Test saliva or urine with litmus paper daily to check pH level. When it reaches a normal range, gradually resume regular eating habits. Retest occasionally and adjust diet to maintain a healthy pH.