Natural Ways to Warm Feet
Wear Warm Socks and Shoes
Warm, thick socks will help hold the heat in your feet and warm you quickly. In fact, you may have noticed that when you get overly warm the first thing you want to do is remove your shoes and socks! That's because tightly woven socks and shoes help hold in the heat.
Soak Your Feet
Soaking your feet in a tub of warm water will also warm them naturally and quickly. Water has the benefit of creating a lasting warmth that seems to go all the way down to the bone. And when your feet are cold, that's exactly what you need.
Keep Your Feet Dry
Dampness caused by sweaty feet can make your feet feel colder than normal. Keeping your socks and feet dry will add to the warmth of your feet and keep your whole body more comfortable.
Warm Up Your Sheets
Place a hot water bottle, or brick warmed in the oven and wrapped in a thick towel, at the foot of your bed about 15 minutes before going to sleep. This was a trick used by the pioneers, who weren't blessed with central heat as most of us are today---and it still works very well!
Toss Your Socks in the Dryer
Placing your socks or slippers into the dryer for five or ten minutes before you put them on is sure to warm your feet. The electricity used is minimal and the comfort level you'll get from warm, toasty socks is worth it.
Wrap Your Feet in Fleece
Fleece is a naturally tight, woven fabric, and warms your body quickly. It has become a popular material for making a variety of items, such as clothing, coats, blankets and more, because it's known to warm you quickly and keep you warm. What better way to naturally warm your feet than to wrap them tightly in a soft fleece blanket for awhile?
Snuggle Up
When all else fails, perhaps you can convince someone to let you warm your feet up against them. Placing your feet on someone's warm legs is the most natural way to warm your feet. And it's much quicker than any other method you might try. The cozy snuggling will make you both feel good all over---even after your feet have warmed.