Honey for Dog Staph
Reducing Plaque Manuka honey has anti-microbial and anti-bacterial qualities that naturally occur in the honey. Chewing manuka honeycomb as a treatment for gum disease has been shown to be effective. Topical application can provide relief to pain caused by minor cuts, burns and abrasions. Though undocumented, these treatments may apply to dogs as well as humans.
Extracting Nectar Manuka honey is derived from the manuka tree of New Zealand. Bees suckle the nectar and produce a honey with naturally occurring hydrogen peroxide that is found in all honey. A microbial compound with beneficial healing qualities has also been found to occur only in manuka honey.
Liquid Honey Manuka honey is available in two forms: liquid and creamed.
Antibiotics Further scientific research may prove that manuka honey can be used as a natural antibiotic to treat staph infections in humans and dogs.
No FDA Approval Manuka honey has not been approved by the FDA. All honey has been placed on the FDA's watch list to search for tainted batches.