The Effects of Taking Bee Pollen
Weight Loss
Bee collagen contains lecithin, which may dissolve body fat and is therefore potentially responsible for weight loss. Bee pollen may also increase metabolism, increasing weight loss.
Toxin Protection
Ingredients in bee pollen may include vitamins A, C, and E, which are high in antioxidants that provide cellular protection against environmental toxins. Bee pollen is also high in amino acids, which may help synthesize vitamin A in the body.
Allergy Symptom Improvement
Taking bee pollen may improve allergy symptoms in individuals, due in part to low levels of exposure to allergens in the pollen that may increase individual tolerance. However, individuals with severe allergies or allergies to insect stings may be severely allergic to bee pollen. Consult a physician with any questions.
Overall Health Improvement
Bee pollen contains minerals such as copper, magnesium, calcium, potassium, zinc and thiamin. These minerals may improve immunity and overall nutritional balance.
Increased Energy
B complex vitamins are responsible for turning food into energy and using proteins for chemical reactions in the body. Bee pollen contains B complex vitamins and, therefore, may be used to increase energy and reduce stress.
Side Effects
There may be side effects from taking bee pollen, including allergic reactions, which may be severe or fatal for those with allergies to bee stings or bee venom. Always contact a healthcare professional before taking any nutritional supplements, including bee pollen.