Solutions for Stinky Feet
According to podiatrist Dr. Neal Kramer, contours of particular shoes do not fit comfortably to the soles of our feet. For example, if your job demands a lot of footwork, you can develop a lot of perspiration in your shoes. Kramer recommends buying shoes that accommodate the physical contours of our feet.
Another suggestion by podiatrist Dr. Suzanne M. Levine suggests alternating what shoes are worn each day. Just two pairs of shoes would suffice. This gives a chance for the shoes to air out odors.
Another solution suggested by the same doctor is to wear sandals or open-toed shoes.
Hygiene Solution
Use hygiene to fix this problem. A thorough cleaning of soap and water should remedy the problem of unpleasant smelling feet. After a soap and water cleaning, using foot powder can help your feet resist further perspiration.
Another solution is to apply an antiperspirant to relieve foot sweat. Stores and pharmacies carry foot deodorants, but underarm deodorants should work as well. Just make sure that the product is an antiperspirant. Dr. Levine specifically suggests antiperspirants that include the ingredient aluminum chloride hexahydrate.
Change Socks
Dr. Glenn Copeland, podiatrist at Toronto's Women's College Hospital, suggests changing into to two different pairs of socks each day to minimize sweat buildup, especially if your job demands a lot of moving. Dr Copeland also suggests wearing socks made of cotton. According to Dr. Frederick Hass, wearing two pairs of socks provides a great buffer against sweating.
Tea contains tannins that can help dry your feet and in the process rid of bad odors. Dermatologist Dr. Diana Bihova recommends a 20- to 30-minute soak for your feet. To prepare, take three or four tea bags and boil in 1 quart of water for 10 minutes. Add cold water to lessen the heat.
Another soaking solution implements a aluminum acetate powder and cold water. Mix 1 packet of Domeboro Powder or 2 tablespoons of Burrow's Solution into a pint of water. Soak time takes about 10 to 20 minutes.
A Kosher salt soak works well for sweaty feet. Pour a 1/2 cup of kosher salt into 1 quart of water. Vinegar works wonders as well in exactly the same proportions as the kosher salt.
Additional Treatments
Buy some odor eaters for your shoes. The charcoal in Johnson's Odor-Eaters and other products eats up the moisture that resides inside the shoe.