Bee Propolis Uses
Minor Burns
A study submitted to the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine by Scott R. Gregory, MSII, and fellow colleagues of the School of Medicine at the University of Texas, showed that bee propolis speeds the healing of minor burns. The study was designed to compare the therapeutic effects of Brazilian propolis skin cream to treatment with silver sulfadiazene on second-degree burns in human subjects. While the research team did not observe any clinical difference in microbial colonization in the superficial wounds between the two treatment groups, they did notice that the group receiving bee propolis experienced significantly less inflammation. In addition, cicatrisation was enhanced, meaning less scarring took place.
Dental Health
According to the National Institutes of Health, initial studies demonstrate that using a mouthwash containing bee propolis may inhibit oral bacteria, reduce inflammation associated with periodontitis and prevent the formation of dental plaque. In addition, Brazilian ethanol propolis extract may inhibit candidiasis of the mouth, while a dental gel consisting of propolis and caffeic acid phenethyl ester appears to lessen dental pain. Andrew Weil, M.D., further notes that bee propolis is being investigated as potential tooth sealant and enamel hardener.
Immune Function
Animal-based and in vitro studies indicate that bee propolis may stimulate the immune system and may deter various viral infections, including herpes simplex virus and intestinal infections caused by Helicobacter pylori. However, as NIH states, more research is needed in this area to support these preliminary findings.
Inflammatory Disease
NIH notes that there is sufficient evidence to indicate that bee propolis exerts anti-inflammatory effects, which suggests that this substance may help to treat various inflammatory disorders, such as rheumatism. Dr. Weil makes a similar reference to this use of bee propolis in his online blog.
Other Uses
Bee propolis is used in the production of chewing gum, throat lozenges, cosmetics, creams, lotions and other types of personal care products. It is also used in the manufacturing of wood varnishes. Bee propolis is also a traditional polish used by makers of musical instruments to highlight the grain of wood. In fact, according to Maaret Toprakci, B.S., of Nutritional Consultants Group, Inc., Antonio Stradivari, the famed maker of the prized Stradivarius violin, reputedly used it.