Catnip & Fennel for Infant Colic

When a baby suffers from colic they do not suffer alone. Parents suffer from feelings of guilt and helplessness as well.
  1. Causes

    • Gas trapped in the intestines can cause colic. Some colic is also caused by spasms of the new baby's intestines.


    • Some signs of colic include long crying jags more then three times a week, pulling their legs up to their tummy, tight fists, the tummy feeling hard, frequent passage of gas and crying that sounds like the infant is in pain.

    Choosing A Remedy

    • There are over-the-counter colic medicines, but sometimes one does not wish to take a chemical approach. There are soothing movements like patting or bouncing the child, however, these don't always work. For some an herbal remedy is the perfect answer.

    Catnip and Fennel

    • A tea of catnip and fennel can ease the symptoms of colic and comfort the child. This can be administered directly to the infant, or if a mother is breastfeeding she can drink the tea and transfer the benefits to the child.

    Making The Tea

    • Pour one cup of boiling water over two teaspoons of dried catnip leaves and one teaspoon of fennel. Let the tea steep for 15 minutes, and thoroughly strain the tea. If administering to the infant directly, let cool thoroughly. The dosage is one cup for the mother or one dropper full for the infant.

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