How to Make a Lemon Juice and Coconut Oil Lice Remedy
Things You'll Need
- Coconut oil
- Plastic gloves
- Plastic shower cap
- Fine-tooth comb
- Lemon juice
- Garlic paste
- Natural shampoo
Coconut Oil Remedy
Purchase pure coconut oil from a natural food store or beauty supply store. It will typically come in a jar and appear solid but will become liquefied as it is applied. Wear protective gloves and massage a liberal amount of the oil into the hair and scalp.
Place a plastic shower cap over the head for at least an hour before combing through. Coconut oil suffocates the lice and makes it possible to comb out both the adult insects and the nits (unborn eggs). Using a very fine-tooth comb, separate the hair into sections and comb through. Rinse away any lice bodies or nits that are removed under running water before continuing to comb the hair.
Rinse hair with natural shampoo, preferably one that also contains coconut oil, and repeat as many times as necessary until the hair combs clean. Nits may be particularly difficult to remove from the hair but it is essential that you remove them all or else the infestation will continue when they hatch.
Lemon Juice Remedy
Combine 1 to 2 tbsp. of freshly squeezed lemon juice with an equal amount of pure garlic paste. Apply this mixture generously to the hair and scalp, making sure to cover the head all the way to the ends of the hair.
Place the plastic shower cap over the head and allow the hair to dry completely (about 30 minutes). Just as the coconut oil helps to suffocate the lice and their eggs, the acidity of the lemon juice will help to strip them from the hair.
Rinse the hair with cold water and then comb through completely to remove garlic, dead lice and nits. Repeat this remedy until the hair combs clean of lice and nits.