Bromide Detox for a Bad Headache
Chemical sensitivity
If you are on a medication that has bromide in it, your headaches may be the result of a chemical sensitivity. Your body may be reacting to the bromide and causing your headaches. Talk to your doctor about potential bromide sensitivity and see if you can use an alternative medication.
Iodine and bromide
Your body needs iodine to function. Sometimes too much bromide results in a decrease of iodine and bromism results. A technique called salt-loading can clear bromism symptoms: drink a solution of ¼ tsp. of unprocessed sea salt with 1/2 cup of warm water. Then drink 12 to 16 oz. of plain water. Repeat the process every 30 to 45 minutes until you being to urinate frequently. Stop drinking the solution when you begin frequent urination.
You can also reduce any iodine consumption for three days. Iodine is found commonly in iodized table salts. Vitamin C has also proved helpful in bromide detox. Take several grams of vitamin C spaced through the day with increased water intake.
Avoiding bromide
Many products in your home and environment contain bromide. Reducing or eliminating your exposure can reduce or eliminate bromide-related headaches. Products bromide can be found in include, but are not limited, to: bromated flours; bromated vegetable oil (BVO) in food and beverages; certain asthma inhalers (talk to your pharmacist or physician about non-bromide inhaler options); items coated in bromide fire retardants such as carpet, bedding and furniture; toys, electronics and cars with polybrominated diphenal ethers (PBDE); cosmetics with bromide compounds; and some perm chemicals. Being around these items may cause bad headaches.
Talk to your doctor about your bad headaches. You should never begin any home-care program without your doctor’s consent. Discuss your full health history and concerns about bromide with your doctor.