What Stuff at Home Is Good for Nail Fungus?
You can use bleach, such as the original Clorox, to help your nail to grow back healthy after a fungus attack. As with all the home remedies, a variety of treatments have been reported. Most use bleach in diluted form, since undiluted application is potentially dangerous.
Make sure to use bleach in a well-ventilated area. One method is to soak affected feet for 10 to 15 minutes morning and night in a highly diluted solution of one tablespoon bleach to a gallon of water. Another is to use a stronger solution of one part bleach to 10 parts water applied directly to the affected nails once a day. Let it work for a few minutes. After either treatment, wash the affected area with soapy water and dry it completely.
Soaking your feet in a solution of one part bleach to 100 parts water once a week may be an effective preventive of nail fungus infection.
Vinegar can be an effective household agent for treating nail fungus. One recommendation is to make a mixture of 1 part apple cider vinegar and 2 parts warm water. Keep your infected nails soaked in the solution for about 20 minutes and then remove them. Rinse in water and dry carefully. You can soak your feet daily this way. If your skin becomes irritated, dilute the vinegar more, or soak your feet two or three times a week instead of every day. Remember to rinse with water and dry the affected area carefully
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is another effective natural cure for nail fungus. Again, there are several recommended ways to apply it. One way is to take equal parts of tea tree oil and Vaseline and mix well. Apply this on the infected nail and keep it in place with a band-aid. Leave it that way for a whole day if possible. This may be particularly effective as a follow-up to treatment with bleach or vinegar.
Alternatively, you can just apply tea tree oil to all your nails at least three times every day.
Preventive Precautions
Developing good habits can both prevent nail fungus and keep it suppressed if you have been infected.
After using your hands to wash anything, remember to rinse them well with soap and water. Clean your feet with soapy water every day as well. Dry your hands and feet dry properly after washing.
Wear shoes that fit right at all times, making sure they are not too tight, and wear your own clean pair of shower shoes in public showering places and locker rooms. Maintain personal hygiene by changing your hosiery items daily and airing your shoes regularly.
Clip your fingernails and toenails such that they reach just the top of your finger or toe. Apply some talcum powder in your shoes to let your feet and nails breathe, making them less attractive habitats for fungus.