Chocolate Extract Diet
Source of Chocolate
Chocolate comes from the cacao bean, which comes from the cacao tree.
Active Ingredient
The active ingredient in the cacao bean is theobromine, or metabromine. The metabromine is an appetite suppressant.
Because there is also caffeine in chocolate, the chocolate extract diet has the same effect as other metabolic stimulants. This can help weight loss, the same way that other stimulants do. Stimulants aid weight loss because they speed up the body's metabolism, thereby causing it to burn more calories each day.
Effectiveness of the Diet
There is no proof that a chocolate extract diet has any health benefits. However, chocolate has medicinal qualities, and there are not known toxic levels, except in those with a chocolate allergy. The diet may have results based on an increase in metabolism, and a person may have more energy because of the caffeine. Chocolate has been shown to lower blood pressure as well, which could be an added benefit of the diet.
Those with a chocolate allergy should avoid chocolate extract, as it contains more of the active ingredient than candy chocolate does.