Home Remedy for Chest Colds & Coughs
Increase your fluid intake to replace lost fluids from fever and mucus production and thin mucous, making it easier to remove nasal and chest congestion. Sip on liquids such as water, tea, juice or warm broths, but avoid beverages containing caffeine which can cause dehydration. Try sucking on ice chips or eating frozen fruit bars as an alternative to drinking liquids. Eat a bowl of chicken noodle soup to amplify your fluid intake and feel better. Parents have used chicken noodle soup as a remedy to treat colds for generations, and according to the Mayo Clinic, it does contains healing properties. Chicken noodle soup acts as an anti-inflammatory, restricting the movement of neutrophils which are immune system cells that boost the body’s response to inflammation caused from cold viruses. In addition, chicken noodle soup temporarily promotes movement of mucus through the nose, relieving congestion and preventing viruses from prolonged exposure to nasal lining.
Vitamin Supplements
According to the Doctor’s Home Book of Remedies, a recent study conducted by the University of Wisconsin showed that taking vitamin C may reduce coughing, sneezing and other symptoms associated with chest colds. Those who had a cold and took 500 mg of vitamin C four times a day experienced about half as many symptoms as participants who did not take the supplement. Keith W. Sehnert, M.D., suggests increasing your vitamin C intake by drinking grapefruit, cranberry and orange juices. Zinc may also drastically reduce cold symptoms such as a sore, irritated throat and cut down the length of time a cold lasts by up to four days. Elson Haas, M.D., suggests trying lozenges supplemented with zinc that are flavored with citrus or honey. Haas warns against using more than the recommended daily dosage; high amounts of zinc can be toxic.
Herbs and Teas
Certain herbs and teas act as antagonists against colds within the body. Elson Haas, M.D. suggests taking one or two goldenseal or echinacea herbal capsules twice a day at the early onset of cold symptoms for up to two weeks. Goldenseal stimulates the liver which rids the body of infections and strengthens mucous membranes within the mouth, throat and nose. Hass states that echinacea cleans the blood and lymph glands which promotes circulation of infection-fighting antibodies and eliminates toxic substances. Hass also recommends taking two to three oil-free garlic capsules three times a day to remedy chest colds; garlic has an antibiotic affect which can kill cold germs and shorten the duration of chest cold symptoms.