How to Backwash the Lungs
Normal daily activity involves sitting, standing and walking. Fluids in the body are pulled downward by the force of gravity. Much of this fluid settles in the lower lungs and as breath is drawn in, air stays in the upper part of the lungs. To promote healthy lungs and circulatory system, the lower lungs need to be "backwashed."Sirsasana is a term in yoga that refers to an important asana, that of inverting the body: simply, a headstand. This has many health benefits including cleansing the lungs.
Things You'll Need
- Folded blanket or pillow
- Comfortable clothes
Headstand Technique
Place a blanket or pillow on the floor. Kneel in front of this mat. Lace your fingers together with your forearms resting on the mat. Adjust your elbows shoulder-width apart. Press your wrists into the mat.
When in position, rest the crown of your head against your laced fingers.
Take a deep breath and raise your knees from the floor. Keep your heels lifted and move your knees toward your body.
Release your breath as you raise your feet into the air. Lift both feet at the same time and rotate your upper thighs slightly in. Straighten your legs, pointing upward. Ensure that your feet and pelvis and the crown of your head are in alignment. Stretch upward with your tailbone, using your forearms, shoulder blades and back for balance. Slowly point your toes upward.
Hold the position for 10 seconds. To come down, release the breath and slowly lower your legs. Keep your shoulder blades in position until your feet are on the floor.