Home Remedy for Coldsores
Changing up the diet is an easy home remedy for eliminating cold sores. To do this, one must abstain from eating both salty and acidic foods. Some examples of these include peanuts, chocolate, seeds, peas, grains, whole wheat and oatmeal, all of which have high levels of arginine. Consumption of coffee and tea also should be limited, as should processed foods. It is advised to eat a diet that is vitamin rich, especially in vitamins A, C and E. Iron and zinc also are essential. A diet that is full of complex carbohydrates and antioxidants also can help get rid of cold sores.
Using a teabag is a quick, easy and inexpensive way to get rid of cold sores. A teabag should be applied directly over cold sores for several minutes at a time. This process should be repeated approximately every hour or so. Another option is to use a warm teabag and to press it over the sores for half an hour at a time.
Witch Hazel
Witch hazel is a type of astringent that is made from the bark and the leaves of the witch hazel shrub, and is useful for bruises, swelling and sores. Many people have it in their medicine cabinets. If you apply a dab of witch hazel on your finger and then place it directly on the sores, it can help them go away faster. The same applies to aloe vera oil or gel, and lemon balm extract.