Home Remedy for Congestion
Hot Liquids
Drinking hot liquids is a quick, easy and relaxing way to help get rid of nasal congestion. Not only can consuming hot liquids (like chicken broth, apple cider, tea and vegetable stock) assist with a stuffy nose, they can also soothe the feelings of general malaise and discomfort associated with congestion. The steam and heat will get the nose running, which can clear out the stuffiness.
Steam is another simple and convenient way to reduce nasal congestion. Expose yourself to steam by standing in a steam room or by simply taking a hot shower. The steam will allow the nose to run. You can create your own "steam room" by filling up a bowl with hot water and adding in some mint oil, eucalyptus or orange. If you cover your entire face with a small towel and lean over the bowl, and then inhale deeply, it will help clear up your congestion.
Sniffing irritants like menthol and onions can also help relieve nasal congestion. Most people have onions at their house. Simply cut an onion in half and then just hold it directly under your nose for a while, which should bring upon almost instant congestion relief. Also dab a menthol rub directly below your nostrils, which functions similar to a nasal decongestant spray.