Best Herbal Cleanse
Green Tea Cleanse
Drink 3 cups of hot green tea per day mixed with 1 tsp. of maple syrup, 1/4 tsp. of cayenne pepper and 1 tbsp. of lemon juice. SIP the mixture—do not guzzle it or try to slam it down. This cleanse is reported to thoroughly flush out the system without common cleanse side effects, such as cramping, bloating or gas.
The Lemonade Master Cleanse
The creators of this cleanse emphasize the importance of using the ingredients listed, and not making any substitutes. Mix 10 oz. of filtered-only water (not simply unfiltered bottled water) with 2 tbsp. of organic lemon juice (squeezed from organic lemons only), 2 tbsp. of organic grade B maple syrup and 1/10 tsp. of cayenne pepper powder. Finally, 1/8 tsp. of unrefined, noniodized sea salt should be added to aid with the flushing out of the system. This recipe will provide a single serving and should be taken three times per day for a week.
Colon Cleanse Tea
This herbal colon cleanse is simple, requiring only common herbal household ingredients: boiled water, cloves, crushed ginger, basil leaves, mint leaves and lemon juice. After boiling about 1 cup of water, add two cloves and 2 tsp. of crushed ginger. Boil for three more minutes. Then add five or six basil leaves and three or four mint leaves to the boiling tea. Reduce the flame to a low heat and stir the mixture for another five minutes. Once the tea is a brownish color, turn off the stove and let it cool for a few minutes before adding 1 tbsp. of lemon juice. Drink the cleanse while it is still lukewarm. Take this cleanse twice a day for at least one month, eating fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains to satisfy your appetite.
Benefits of Cleanses
Though cleanses may lead to some unpleasantness during the "flushing out" phase, many alternative health food experts claim that participants often feel revitalized and report better digestion and complexions after completing a cleanse.