How to Treat Alcohol Withdrawal through Diet

One way to treat Alcohol Withdrawl and its symptoms is through diet. Below are the more effective changes to the diet that can help to treat and cure Alcohol Withdrawal and its symptoms.


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      Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. Try to get a minimum of the recommended servings. Try to eat more of a variety, with lots of leafy green vegetables and brightly colored fruits and vegetables. Bright fruits and vegetables tend to be higher in antioxidants.

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      Avoid eating processed foods, especially junk food. Diets high in junk food tend to increase alcohol intake and can make alcohol withdrawal more difficult.

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      Avoid caffeinated beverages, especially coffee. If your body is used to coffee or tea, then try substituting with de caffienated versions.

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      Cutting dairy out of your diet can actually make alcohol withdrawal a lot easier. It can also help to relieve some of the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.

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