Pumpkin Seeds & How to Get Rid of Parasites
Native Americans used pumpkin seeds to get rid of intestinal worms. Their living conditions and their diet often resulted in people having worms in their intestines. Medicine men prescribed chewing and swallowing raw pumpkin seeds to help deworm their bodies.
How Pumpkin Seeds Work
Pumpkin seeds paralyze intestinal worms, but do not kill them. The paralysis is temporary, so it is essential that a natural laxative--such as ground flaxseed or psyllium husks--is used to work the intestinal parasites out of the body.
How to Use
Feed children (under age 12) 10-15 pumpkin seeds daily. Adults can safely eat between 20 and 30 per day for two weeks. The first three or four doses should be immediately followed by a natural laxative.
For an alternative treatment, grind up pumpkin and watermelon seeds into a powder. Mix with aloe vera juice or water with apple cider vinegar.